Gel for cleaning and disinfecting toilet bowls GlobeClean 1 liter

We are pleased to introduce GlobeClean – a new gel for cleaning and disinfecting toilets. The gel completely removes even old dirt, including limescale, destroys pathogenic bacteria, eliminates unpleasant odors and creates a feeling of freshness.

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Sodium hypochlorite, a salt-based chemical, determines the effectiveness of a toilet bowl cleaner. The fragrance creates a feeling of freshness. The product also contains active molecules that are effective against limescale. The bottle is equipped with a seven-jet nozzle, which makes it possible to use the product in the most hard-to-reach areas.

APPLICATION: Turn the bottle upside down once to mix the ingredients. Apply the required amount of liquid product to a wet sponge or cloth. Wipe the contaminated surface and rinse thoroughly with water after 2-5 minutes. The rapid disinfectant effect kills all microflora in 15-30 seconds.

PRECAUTIONS: Wear gloves when handling the detergent. Avoid contact with skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. Do not ingest the detergent. If you accidentally swallow it, immediately drink 1-2 glasses of water and seek medical advice if necessary. Do not mix with other cleaning products. Keep out of reach of children.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at a temperature between +5 ºС and +30 ºС in a dry place, out of the reach of children and pets, away from food. Dispose of empty containers as household waste after use. Keep out of direct sunlight

SHELF LIFE: 18 months from the date of manufacture (see on packaging)

Ingredients: prepared water ≥30%, sodium hypochlorite – 5-15%, anionic surfactants – <5%, non-ionic surfactants – <5%, caustic soda <5%, sodium silicate. TU U 20.4-32174727-004:2022/

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Засіб миючий для підлоги та всіх миючих поверхонь GlobeClean Універсальний 5 л160 
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